Type Casting and Conversion in JavaScript
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Type Casting
JavaScript provides us many data types to work with and although JavaScript is a losely typed language, there will be some cases where we want to change the data types of certain variables. This is called Type Casting. Type Casting sometimes happens automatically or implicitly in our JavaScript engine and sometimes we have to specify that the type casting needs to be performed.
There are two type of type conversions in JavaScript.
- Implicit Conversion: Automatic Type Conversion
- Explicit Conversion: Manual Type COnversion
Implicit Type Casting in JavaScript
Under certain conditions, JavaScript automatically converts one data type to another. This is known as implicit conversion.
Implicit Type Conversion to Number
When a string type is used with a number type in mathematical expression using mathematical operators, the string numbers are changed into number type implicitly before performing the operation and then the resulting value is therefore valid number type.
If for some reasons, the implicit numeric conversion is not possible, it results in the vakue being a NaN
(Not a Number).
let sum = "10" + "20";
console.log(sum); //OUTPUT: 30
console.log(typeof sum); //OUTPUT: number
let product = "10" * 2;
console.log(product); //OUTPUT: 20
console.log(typeof product); //OUTPUT: number
let remainder = "10" / "divide";
console.log(remainder); //OUTPUT: NaN
Implicit Type Conversion to String
When a string value is aded to the number, that number value is changed into string and the resulting value will be of type string.
let sum = "20" + 23;
console.log(sum); //OUTPUT: 2023
console.log(typeof sum); //OUTPUT: String
Explicit Type Casting
Explicit Type Conversion to Number
We can use the Number()
constructor function to change the non-numeric value like boolean or number in string to number data type.
let value = "20";
let result = Number(value);
console.log(reuslt); //OUTPUT: 20
console.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: number
let value = true;
let result = Number(value);
console.log(reuslt); //OUTPUT: 1
//(true converts to 1 while false converts to 0)
console.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: number
Explicit Type Conversion to String
We can use the String()
constructor function to change the non-numeric value like boolean or number in string to String data type.
let value = 20;
let result = String(value);
console.log(reuslt); //OUTPUT: "20"
console.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: string
let value = false;
let result = String(value);
console.log(reuslt); //OUTPUT: "false"
console.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: string
let value = 20 + 23;
let result = String(value);
console.log(reuslt); //OUTPUT: '43'
console.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: string
Explicit Type Conversion to Boolean
In JavaSciript, number 0 relates to false and number 1 relates to true. An empty string ""
relates to false while non-empty strings relate to true. Everything in JavaScript is truthy or falsy.
We can use the Boolean()
constructor function to convert a number or string into Boolean.
let greet = "Hello";
let result = Boolean(greet);
console.log(result); //OUTPUT: true
console.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: Boolean
let value = 0;
let result = Boolean(value);
console.log(result); //OUPTUT: false
conole.log(typeof result); //OUTPUT: Boolean
Type Conversion vs Type Coercion
The key difference between type coercion and type conversion is that type conversion is always implicit whereas type conversion can either be implicit or explicit.